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Red Light Therapy

Low Pressure

Low-pressure beds primarily emit UVA rays, which penetrate the skin's surface more slowly, resulting in a gradual tan over multiple sessions

  • Single Session - $8

  • 10 Session Package - $50

  • Monthly - $35

  • Annual - $270

Medium Pressure

Medium-pressure beds typically use a combination of UVA and UVB rays, which penetrate the skin more deeply and quickly, resulting in a faster tan compared to low-pressure beds

  • Single Session - $10

  • 10 Session Package - $65

  • Monthly - $50

  • Annual - $430

High Pressure

High-pressure beds emit a higher concentration of UVA rays, often with minimal UVB, allowing for a quicker and deeper tan in fewer sessions compared to both low and medium-pressure beds

  • Single Session - $12

  • 10 Session Package - $80

  • Monthly - $60

  • Annual - $535

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